Written by Charlie Middleton
UPDATE: This historic ranch has been sold. Selling price at $8,450,000.
The Three Rivers Ranch is an exceptional offering, maybe even a once in a lifetime opportunity. The property has been under the same family ownership for over one hundred years. The minerals remain intact and wind energy is now being harnessed. Substantial royalties are derived from each on a yearly basis. This is not unusual, however, these royalty interests being included in the sale of a property are extremely rare.

The ranch is located generally north of Snyder where the Permian Basin overlaps with the Rolling Plains region of Texas. As the name implies live water is plentiful. Wildlife thrives and the ranch offers outstanding hunting opportunities for whitetail deer, Rio Grande turkey, wild quail and migratory birds. Wild boar and varmints are fairly common as well.
This area is unique with generally deep fertile soils, good grass turf and excellent cover.
Over the course of the previous ten years the ranch has received income derived from royalties, leases, and surface damage averaging in excess of $300,000 per year. Producing minerals are offered with the sale of the property.

In 2018 a wind energy lease was signed and in 2019 construction began on installation of a dozen wind turbines on the property. Nine Siemens SG-145 turbines and three Siemens SWT-108 turbines were installed and are now all up and running. The lease generates just under $145,000 per year in additional revenue to the ranch.
This incredible revenue stream makes ranching a lot more economical.

The water features on the Three Rivers Ranch are unsurpassed by any property that we are aware of in this region. Ennis Creek winds its way throughout the ranch making several sweeping bends. Ennis Creek traverses the ranch for over 3.25 miles from the western side of the property where there is another confluence with Lloyd Creek, which enters the property from the south. This scenic area offers beautiful hillsides and large tree cover with exceptional grass turf. Ennis Creek continues flowing in a northeastern direction for nearly another two miles to the far eastern boundary of the property, where there is another convergence with Salt Springs Creek. This ephemeral stream crosses the northeastern portion of the ranch for over one and a half miles and has a rocky and often steep bank.

The Three Rivers Ranch was game fenced approximately 4 years ago. While it is common practice to introduce genetics into a newly game fenced property, the family elected to continue to manage the native deer herd. A good population of heavy antlered, mature whitetails freely roams the property.

The 6,000 ± square foot lodge serves as the main residence on the property. This structure was constructed in 1902 and has absolutely stood the test of time. The architecture is stunning with a two-story wrap around porch, large columns, and inviting entryways. Near the lodge stands a well equipped 6,000 ± square foot barn/shop with approximately 4,000 ± square foot of covered patio, perfect for storing toys, entertaining, or working on large projects. The shop is outfitted with a modern kitchen with a built-in bar and large bathroom complete with tile shower.
With the miles and miles of gorgeous clear creek water flowing through the property, abundance of panoramic views and productivity that this property affords, the Three Rivers Ranch is very realistically priced at $8,450,000.

You could wear out a brand new pickup looking for a ranch that has more to offer than this one does, and likely never find a better deal. Substantial income and potential for further oil and gas development, a guaranteed wind energy royalty, outstanding ranching along with recreational appeal and more live water than you can imagine make the Three Rivers Ranch a rare find.