$194,605 | 162.17 ACRES | SOLD
We are proud to have the exclusive listing on the 162.171± acre May Ranch in Haskell County, Texas. This hunting and cattle property is located 4.2 miles northwest of the town of Rule. Access is provided by paved FM 617 on the east side of the ranch, and graded County Road 145 on the north.
The topography of the May Ranch is level to slightly rolling with an outstanding turf of grass. Grasses on the ranch consist of Buffalo Grass, Arizona Cottontop, Little Bluestem, Side Oats Grama, Vine-mesquite Grass, Tubosa, and Hairy Grama to name a few. There is a very light covering of brush on the ranch that includes Mesquite and Red Berry Juniper as well as a few hardwood trees. The average rainfall for this part of Texas is 25 inches annually.
The ranch is not fenced and there are no structural improvements.
Hunting on the May Ranch consists of White Tail deer, hogs, quail, and dove.
There are currently no water wells on the ranch but there is irrigated cultivation bordering the property, and finding water should not be an issue.
If you are in the market for a small cattle and hunting property in West Texas with great access in close proximity to Lubbock and Abilene, please give the May Ranch your full consideration. The ranch is realistically priced at $1,200 per acre.
For more information or to schedule a showing, please give Brendan Garrison a call (806) 790-5900.